The Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy have been offering training in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy for over 30 years. The course consists of our under-graduate levels; Foundation, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and ICHP Associate Degree, and our four year Masters programme. The ICHP teach a wide variety of eclectic techniques, both Hypnotherapeutic and Psychotherapeutic, so that the client does not have to adapt to the therapy, rather the therapist can adapt to the client’s presenting symptom.
For information on upcoming classes, please see the Events page, or email us at ichp@hypnosiseire.com.
ICHP ensures equality, diversity and inclusiveness in the institute’s programmes and activities.
ICHP responds in a positive and welcoming way to anyone who deals with or enters the Institute.
ICHP performs with professional excellence in everything we do, including teaching, research and innovation, governance and management, and public service.
ICHP ensures relevance to industry, business and society within all our teaching programmes, research and innovation.
Letter from Dr. Joe E. Keaney, Director of the ICHP

As Director of the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the ICHP and I wish you every success on your journey to becoming a professional Hypnotherapist-Psychotherapist.
In an age when world technological knowledge is doubling every twenty four months and the pace of living is becoming ever more overwhelming causing stress induced symptomology in over 30% of the general population, necessitating psychological support that is effective and brief.
This programme is designed to equip you, the student, with the necessary expertise to assist clients in this caring and helping profession.
It was W.B. Yeats that wrote “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”. The ICHP programme in Hypnotherapy is one of the most exciting and fascinating careers available in modern society. All facets of human behaviour involves the use of the mind and the subconscious in every sphere of contemporary life.
Modern scientific Hypnotherapy-Psychotherapy has a history of some 250 years although its pre-scientific origins date back some 5000 years. Hypnotherapy is today experiencing an unprecedented boom in growth and expansion and in Ireland, Europe and globally.
I know you will find the course both stimulating and rewarding as there is great emphasis on personal self-development combined with Supervision. As you progress through the four levels of the ICHP Programme you will be exposed to a wide variety of modular Tutors with a vast repertoire of approaches and styles to prepare you to consult with an array of mental health symptoms.
Finally, the programme is designed to be taught by professionals in the field and combine clinical based practice with a theoretical underpinning and promote a good working relationship between tutors, students, supervisors and work placement personnel. This close relationship is an inherent part of the ICHP culture and prepares our graduates for a professional career in the field of Hypnotherapy-Psychotherapy.
I wish you every success in your studies with the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy.


Foundation Certificate
This level of the course is open to the general public and serves as a highly valuable self-development outlet, a general interest course and a stepping stone to continue studying to Level II, the Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Upon completion of this course the graduate will receive an ICHP Foundation Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis.
On commencing practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, the student is required to undergo Clinical Supervision in order to eventually achieve 500 Supervised Hours for ICHP Accreditation.Please note: This 500 hours is conducted while you continue with the next Level of the programme and afterwards, and does not pose as a pre-requisite to continuing your training
Advanced Diploma
On commencing practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, the student is required to undergo Clinical Supervision in order to eventually achieve 500 Supervised Hours for ICHP Accreditation.Please note: This 500 hours is conducted while you continue with the next Level of the programme and afterwards, and does not pose as a pre-requisite to continuing your training
ICHP Associate Diploma
This Level of the programme is open to all graduates of the Advanced Diploma level. On completion of this part of the course, the student will be eligible to continue to Post-Graduate Training and Masters Level, and continue to train to achieve European Certification in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
ICHP Masters Programme
In 2003 the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy was invited to become a founding member of the European Association of Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy because of its ongoing Master Programmes focusing on Hypno-analytical Psychotherapy. Frans Peeters (Netherlands) invited the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy to become a Founding Member of the EAHP. In order to maintain this high standard of Post Graduate training, the ICHP Master Programme has developed specific modules over a four year period designed to meet the needs of the international register for evidence-based hypnotherapy. Dr Peter George of ICHP Australia in connection with ICHP Ireland has developed a Master Programme that meets the criteria of Evidence-based Hypnotherapy / Hypnopsychotherapy. This four year programme is open to all ICHP Graduates and suitably qualified psychotherapists who have completed the undergraduate programme and the upgrade programme. Please go to the Master Programme section of the website for more information.
This Foundation Certificate course is designed for the student to learn the basic skills of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy while providing an excellent stepping stone to the Diploma and Advanced Diploma Levels. The student will learn about Hypnotherapy and how to induce therapeutic trance in their clients to help with presenting symptoms such as smoking, slimming, stress, phobias, fears and anxieties, pre-exam nerves, concentration and memory improvement.
This course combines hands on practical course work with course notes, audio recordings and a required reading list, all of which help the student accumulate the basic skills of a Clinical Hypnotherapist. The course requires 56 hours of practical training which takes place over four weekends, with each weekend contributing towards 14 hours of training.
The student will discover the many advantages of training in Hypnosis and therapy before committing to the ICHP Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. The course will also teach the student to deal with personal issues, realise their true potential and help focus on a successful future career in Hypnotherapy-Psychotherapy.
During Level 1 there’s a strong emphasis on continuous assessment and Supervision and the student is encouraged to practice with family & friends as practice clients. On completion of Level 2, the Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, the student will be eligible to go into professional practice in Clinical Hypnotherapy using suggestion therapy.
- Introduction to Hypno-Psychotherapy Course
- Introduction to Theoretical Considerations
- What is Psychotherapy: A personal and practical guide.
- The Hypnotic Induction
- Regression Techniques for Presenting
- Symptoms
- Pre-Induction Sensitisation
- Imparting of Hypno-psychotherapy Information
- Suggestions in Hypno-psychotherapy
- Structuring Suggestions
- Common Misconceptions Concerning
- Hypnotherapy
- Hypnotic Suggestibility
- Signs of Hypnosis
- Laws of Suggestion
- Pre-Induction Consultation
- Information Gathering
- Induction of Hypnosis
- The Benefits of Hypnotherapy
- Hypnotherapy – Mind/Body Connection
- Indirect Hypnotic Phrasing and Techniques
- Classic Hypnotic Phenomena
- Conditions treated in Hypnotherapy
- The Rules of the Mind
- Practical Induction & Therapy
- Rules Governing the Ethical use of Hypnosis
- Dangers of Hypnotherapy
- Smoking Cessation
- Weight Loss
- General Application of Hypnotherapy
- Formulating Suggestions for Specific Symptoms
- Practical Business Considerations
- Ethics and Supervision
During the ICHP Foundation Level there is a strong emphasis on the ICHP Code of Ethics, Standards & Practice in order to train the student in all issues relating to practice and ethical Hypno-psychotherapy.
The Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy is available to students who have successfully completed the Foundation Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis. This part of the course builds on the principles, practice and Ethics of Clinical Hypno-psychotherapy. The student is required to attend 84 hours of practical training, which is run one weekend a month for six months.
This course also involves twelve lessons and recorded lectures for directed independent learning. Lessons will be supplied from initial application on the course as well as during the weekend practical. Assessment involves exercises, exams and essays, along with practical experience.
Required home study consists of a recommended reading list in addition to the manuals provided. Students are required to submit range of learning assignments.
- An overview of Therapy
- Hypnotherapy & Irish law
- Hypnotherapy & Insurance
- Safety factors involved in becoming a Hypnotherapist
- Duty of Care
- The Historical Roots of Hypnotherapy
- Practical Hypnosis
- Defining Hypnosis
- Stages & Phenomena of Hypnotherapy
- Dangers of Hypnotherapy
- Difficulties in Hypnotising and De-hypnotising clients
- Practical information about utilising Hypnotherapy
- Conscious & Sub-Conscious Minds
- Healing Using Visualisation and Hypnosis
- Voices of the Therapist
- Suggestibility Tests
- Deepening Techniques
- Symptom Substitution
- Instant Inductions
- Dealing with the Fearful Subject of the Hypnotic Experience
- Proof of Hypnosis
- Communicating Hypnosis
- General Classification of Induction
- Ideo-Motor Response (IMR)
- Ways of Using IMR or Arm Levitation
- Self-Hypnosis
- Physical Signs of Hypnosis
- Permissive Techniques
- Imaginative Techniques
- Active Techniques
- Theories & Nature of Hypnosis
- Uncovering Techniques
- Psychosomatic Disease and Stress
- Validity of memories retrieved in the Hypnotic state
- Rules Governing the Use of Hypnotherapy
- Transference & Counter-transference
- Modern Hypnosis; Theory & Practice
- Children & Adolescents
- Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
- Ericksonian Hypnotherapy The life & teachings of Dave Elman
- Trance Deepening Images
- Fantasy Therapy
- Clinical Hypnosis for Appetitive Disorders
- Clinical Hypnosis for Functional Problems
- Clinical Hypnosis for Smoking & Addictions
- Clinical Hypnosis for Habit Disorders
- Clinical Hypnosis for Obsessive
- Compulsive Disorders
- Clinical Hypnosis for Fears & Phobias
- Clinical Hypnosis for Sexual Dysfunction
- Clinical Hypnosis for Pain & Suffering
- Clinical Hypnosis for Enhancing
- Academic Performance
- Clinical Hypnosis for Ego-Strengthening
- Clinical Hypnosis for Breathing, Skin & Heart
- Clinical Hypnosis for Emotional Problems
- Clinical Hypnosis for Anxiety & Fear
- Child Protection Training
- Dreams
- Free Association
- Repression Release
- Oral Conflicts and Character Diagnosis
- Anal Conflicts and Character Diagnosis
- Genital Conflicts and Character Diagnosis
- The Inter-relationship of Conflicts with sexual problems and anxiety
- states.
- Use of the Affects Bridge Techniques
- Person-centred therapy (Dr Carl Rogers);
- Psychosynthesis (Dr Roberto Assagioli);
- Gestalt (Drs Fritz and Laura Perls);
- Transactional Analysis (Dr Eric Berne);
- Cognitive and cognitive-behavioural therapy (Dr Aaron T. Beck);
- Analytical Therapy (Dr Carl Jung);
- Existential Therapy (Irvin Yalom and Rollo May);
- Cognitive-humanistic therapy (Dr Richard Nelson-Jones);
- Transpersonal Therapy( Ken Wilber, Dr Roger Walsh and Dr Frances
- Vaughan);
- Integrative Therapy (Various).
Training Analysis
Each Student is required to begin Personal Therapy and analysis in their Diploma year. ICHP will provide a list of suitable therapists who are accredited to conduct personal therapy on ICHP students. Each student should maintain a journal that monitors their own self-development and enter the hours taken and their self-development in their log Book.
Each graduate of the ICHP Diploma Course will be eligible to secure Public Liability Insurance and Private Indemnity Insurance with Holistic Insurance Services which will provide cover when in practicing as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
The policy provides:
• Malpractice, professional indemnity, public and products liability insurance
• A limit of indemnity of £5,000,000 on a losses occurring basis
• Cover whether you work from a clinic, from home, or visit client’s premises
• Full retroactive cover for previously insured periods
• Libel and slander cover up to the £5,000,000 limit of indemnity
• Cover for additional therapies – most at no extra cost
• Legal defence of non motor criminal and civil actions, disciplinary hearings and tax protection – limit of indemnity £500,000 (with an inner limit of £100,000 per claim)
• Jury service compensation
• Legal advice helpline for both personal and business legal matters
In order to practice as a Clinical Hypno-psychotherapist it is necessary to continue to the next stage of the programme, the Advanced Diploma Practical classes. The requirement for this level of the programme is to conduct 56 hours of practical training, held over 4 weekends once a month. Again there are various examinations and essays throughout the course.
On completion of your Foundation, Diploma & Advanced Diploma courses and the required assessments, you are eligible to receive your Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy. This allows you to become a member of the ICHP Post-Graduate Association and to go into practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist-Psychotherapist.
The course syllabus is laid out below – briefly, the course covers all aspects of Clinical Hypnotherapy / Hypnosis / Psychotherapy & Hypno-analysis, so that upon graduation you will be in a position to set up in private practice, and start your new career as a professional, ethical, accredited and competent Hypnotherapist / Hypno-analyst / Hypno-psychotherapist.
The following is a summary of the course contents:
- Historical development of Hypno-Analysis
- Components of Classical Psycho-analytical Techniques in the production of material in the analytical encounter
- Phobias
- Facilitating the development of Transference Neurosis and the Working
- Alliance
- Analysing Transference
- Resistance
- Clinical Hypno-psychotherapy
- The Basic Structure of a Hypno-Analytical Therapy session
- Hypno-Analytical Techniques & Skills
- Recognising & Utilising Transference
- Recognising & Utilising Trance States
- Calibration
- Rapport Building
- Dream Interpretation
- Therapeutic Use of Dreams
- Abreactions & how to deal with them
- Character Diagnosis
- Technical Difficulties
- Therapist Intervention During Analysis
- NLP Skills
- Reframing
- Eye Accessing
- Sub-Modalities
- Using Hypnotic Phenomena
- Therapeutic Use of Deeper Trance
- Metaphor Dreams and transformation
- Anchoring Sexual Problems & Anxiety
- Oral Conflicts
- Basic Instincts
- The Libido
- A baby boy’s Development
- A baby girl’s Development
- The Oedipus Complex
- Worry and Conflict
- Gratification & Anger
- Self-Direct Rage
- Dissociation
- Compulsive Traits
- Depressive Illness
- Schizoid Personality
- Case Histories of Compulsive Traits
- Anal Conflicts
- Anal-sadistic Period
- Obsessional characters
- Character Types of the Obsessional Personality
- Paranoid characters
- Hypochondriacal characters
- Case Histories of Anal Conflicts
- Genital Conflicts
- Hysteria
- Character Traits of the Hysterical Personality
- Hysterical Dissociation
- The Anxiety State v Fear & sexuality
- Anxiety in the Form of a Bodily Symptom
In addition to this the student will be required to attend 2 one-day workshops:
Personality Theory in Hypno-psychotherapy which deals with the development of a basic understanding of the various theories of Personality development and their relevance to Hypno-psychotherapeutic analysis.
General Human Sciences workshop which lays the scientific foundation in Human Anatomy and Physiology, Neuro-science, the Emotional Limbic system, Left and Right brain processing, State Dependent Memory Learning & behaviour, Evolutionary development, the Threat system, Stress and Core Psychotherapy Modules.
The Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy is affiliated to N.C.H. (U.K.) and the Course of Training is accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (U.K.) and European Association of Clinical Hypno-Psychotherapy (E.U.)
ICHP Accreditation BCHAPS Techniques Workshops are run one weekend each month for 10 months. Participants are required to: attend ten of these weekends which run on a Friday evening/Saturday basis in Dublin, and once a week in Cork. Each weekend will involve specific techniques which will be repeated at intervals over the 24 months, so that, in the event of a participant missing one weekend, they will be eligible to complete it in the next cycle of workshops. In addition the student will have to conduct Work Experience in the area of Mental Health. PROGRAMME BACKGROUND ICHP is proud to be one of the founding members of the European Association for Hypno-Psychotherapy, with it’s unique Hypno-psychotherapy model, BCHAPS which means Brief Clinical Hypno-analytic Psychotherapy. In 2009 the ICHP Training & Accreditation Institute gained some major ground on the road to European-wide Accreditation by attaining Category 4 Membership of the European Association for Hypno-Psychotherapy (EAHP). This category of membership is the ‘gold standard’ of European education in Hypno-psychotherapy and allows for accreditation on a European recognised level. ICHP Training and Accreditation Institute are currently planning to roll out a new Diploma Upgrade Programme for current graduates. These programmes will be split into undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with the former leading students to an ICHP Associate Diploma in Hypno-psychotherapy and the latter to a ICHP Masters award. The undergraduate level will require students to complete three years training to achieve the Associate Diploma Level. ICHP are now offering current ICHP therapists and graduates the opportunity to complete a one-year training programme to upgrade their qualifications to this Associate Diploma Level, and to have the opportunity to continue into Post-graduate training thereafter. The course will entail further supervision, clinical practice and personal therapy. The new training programme for present graduates is created to fulfil the requirements of Clinical Practice and Hypno-psychotherapeutic experience which are major facets of the EAHP training standards. Hence, the programme will involve each student both performing and receiving a variety of Hypno-psychotherapeutic techniques in a supervised setting. RATIONALE The rationale behind this methodology is that in receiving the techniques the participant is receiving personal therapy, while, in performing the techniques the participant is gaining clinical practice experience. Research shows that, whereas good knowledge of key components of a technique lays an important foundation for effective practice, expert practitioners are those who are able to adapt the technique to deviate and go beyond the technical recommendations of the technique when the clinical situation requires this. ICHP’s one-year programme for graduates entails Supervised Techniques Experience in Clinical Practice, Personal Hypno-psychotherapeutic Experience, Case history writing and Journaling. All of these modalities are essential for successful practice in Hypno-psychotherapy. The objective of these classes is that the participant will be practicing each technique four times and receiving the technique four times. As various techniques are covered each weekend, the course format allows the techniques to be run cyclically. Therefore, if a participant is unable to attend one weekend they can cover the techniques they have missed in the second cycle of classes. Each class will see students learning various techniques and then both performing the technique on fellow students and receiving the technique from fellow students, all the while being Supervised and assisted by senior ICHP Supervisors. This will contribute to your ability as a therapist to perform and practice each technique under Supervised Techniques Experience and to undergo each technique for yourself as a form of Hypno-psychotherapeutic Experience. The directed independent study section of the course entails documenting experiences through case history writing and journaling issues arising as a result of receiving the technique. On completion of the Supervised Techniques Experience in Clinical Practice integrating Personal Hypno-psychotherapeutic Experience, Case history writing and Journaling students will be eligible to continue their studies into Post-graduate Level which runs part-time for four years.
Therapy House, 6 Tuckey Street, Cork City, T12 FH98
Tel: +353 (0)21 4273575
Email: ichp@hypnosiseire.com
1yr Foundation + Diploma Class Dates Cork 2022-2023
The ICHP Foundation + Diploma 1 yr program run once per year and the first class commence the beginning of each September and ends
in June the following year.
To register requires a registration fee of €250 to secure your place.
Classes run every: Friday from 6.30 p.m. – 11 p.m. & Saturday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
N | Month/Year | Date | € |
1 | September 2022 | Friday 9th & Saturday 10th | € 300,00 |
2 | October 2022 | Friday 7th & Saturday 8th | € 300,00 |
3 | November 2022 | Friday 11th & Saturday 12th | € 300,00 |
4 | Dectember 2022 | Friday 2th & Saturday 3rd | € 300,00 |
5 | January 2023 | Friday 6th & Saturday 7th | € 300,00 |
6 | February 2023 | Friday 3th & Saturday 4th | € 300,00 |
7 | March 2023 | Friday 3th & Saturday 4th | € 300,00 |
8 | March/April 2023 | Friday March 31st & Saturday April 1st |
€ 300,00 |
9 | May 2023 | Friday 5th & Saturday 6th | € 300,00 |
10 | June 2023 | Friday 2th & Saturday 3rd | € 300,00 |
At Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin
Tel: +353 (0)21 4273575
Email: ichp@hypnosiseire.com
1yr Foundation + Diploma Class Dates Dublin 2022-2023
The ICHP Foundation + Diploma 1 yr program run once per year and the first class commence the beginning of each September and ends
in June the following year.
To register requires a registration fee of €250 to secure your place.
Classes run every: Friday from 6.30 p.m. – 11 p.m. & Saturday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
N | Month/Year | Date | € |
1 | September 2022 | Friday 16th & Saturday 17th | € 300,00 |
2 | October 2022 | Friday 14th & Saturday 15th | € 300,00 |
3 | November 2022 | Friday 18th & Saturday 19th | € 300,00 |
4 | Dectember 2022 | Friday 9th & Saturday 10th | € 300,00 |
5 | January 2023 | Friday 13th & Saturday 14th | € 300,00 |
6 | February 2023 | Friday 10th & Saturday 11th | € 300,00 |
7 | March 2023 | Friday 10th & Saturday 11th | € 300,00 |
8 | April 2023 | Friday 14th & Saturday 15th | € 300,00 |
9 | May 2023 | Friday 12th & Saturday 13th | € 300,00 |
10 | June 2023 | Friday 9th & Saturday 10th | € 300,00 |
At Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin
Tel: +353 (0)21 4273575
Email: ichp@hypnosiseire.com
1yr Advanced Diploma Class Dates Dublin 2022-2023
The ICHP Foundation + Diploma 1 yr program run once per year and the first class commence the beginning of each September and ends
in June the following year.
To register requires a registration fee of €250 to secure your place.
Classes run every: Friday from 6.30 p.m. – 11 p.m. & Saturday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
N | Month/Year | Date | € |
1 | September 2022 | Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th | € 300,00 |
2 | October 2022 | Friday 21th & Saturday 22nd | € 300,00 |
3 | November 2022 | Friday 25th & Saturday 26th | € 300,00 |
4 | Dectember 2022 | Friday 16th & Saturday 17th | € 300,00 |
5 | January 2023 | Friday 20th & Saturday 21th | € 300,00 |
6 | February 2023 | Friday 17th & Saturday 18th | € 300,00 |
7 | March 2023 | Friday 24th & Saturday 25th | € 300,00 |
8 | April 2023 | Friday 21th & Saturday 22nd | € 300,00 |
9 | May 2023 | Friday 19th & Saturday 20th | € 300,00 |
10 | June 2023 | Friday 16th & Saturday 17th | € 300,00 |